Registered User Qs

9. I have a group with high privacy protection requirements, can I use this site? Is it possible to make a group with no group identification?

It is possible to test a group with no group identification, please contact us at for the group key. In such cases the test coordinator will not be able to receive the group data for themselves, nor will any average results of the group be calculated. The respondents only receive the results for themselves.

8. Why does this site require payment to use its tools?

The Futures Consciousness Profile Database site charges a scaling database administration fee to ensure that the data is of excellent quality, to ensure that the database is maintained across its intended long term lifecycle (20+ years), and to provide funding for future updates that would enable enhanced functionality. Read more about pricing.

7. Why can I not get a CSV file with the responses of my group participants?

The CSV files will be given only for research use. For research purposes, these files can be requested for from the Database administrators.

6. What kind of custom questions can I add to the test? What kind of questions are not permitted?

A range of standard research survey questions formats are available including multiple choice, rating scale, likert scale, dropdown and open questions. Questions that break the researcher code of ethical conduct or could be used to identify an individual are not permitted and may be removed by the administrators. Data gathered from custom questions is not included in the database for comparison purposes.

5. I want my personal contact information to be removed from the user registry. How do I enact my right to be forgotten?

Please contact the site administrators using the contact form to enact your right to be forgotten as per your personal data protection rights. Do note that if your personal data is deleted from our user registry, we will not be able to contact you or credit you later if the data you collected is used for publications.

4. How do I involve students in a classroom test activity if they do not wish to consent to taking the test?

It is possible for individuals to follow along by viewing the demo version of the survey available here. You may also share with the students the Futures Consciousness Profile report you receive at the end of your test. That report does not have any of your personal results in it.

1. What are the requirements and benefits of registering as a user?

To register as a user, you will need to submit evidence of affiliation with an organisation or institution engaged in research, education or practice. An individual will need to provide contact details and assume responsibility for the ethical conduct of the use of the survey tool and data. Use of the tool must be in accordance with strict ethical principles as well as respect for individual participants data protection rights. Please see the Terms and Conditions for details of the terms of use.

As a registered user, you will gain access to the researcher workspace, where you will be able to create and manage test groups, customize survey questions, and carry out surveys to your selected group of respondents.

  • Your respondents will receive their personal profile results in a graphic form looking like this. In addition, they receive a small info sheet on the meaning of the five dimensions and what kind of exercises they can do to improve their future consciousness.
  • The customization of survey allows for up to 200 additional questions to be added in a variety of formats typical in survey research. The custom questions can be saved and edited easily as a set.
  • As a test coordinator, you will get access to a summary report of the results from your test group that looks like this. The report includes the average results and distributions of the groups responses on the five dimensions of the Futures Consciousness. The results from your test group can also be obtained for research purposes in a CSV format from the site administrators.